Rêl Soli and Inclusione Italia
This is the project that saw the light of day thanks to the collaboration of many people, refugees, asylum seekers, social workers, volunteers, partners, friends … a real squad! The goal was to be able to transmit our message to everyone through a musical project. We immediately thought of an artist, of our friend, Rachelle AKA Rêl Soli to represent and and transform our intentions into song. Let me tell you a little more about her and explain why !
Rêl Soli
Born in Paris, Rachelle Martinel spent her childhood in Japan. Very young, she learned to play the piano and dance Hip Hop. Arrived in France at the age of 11, she continued to learn the piano and worked on the guitar and singing. In 2013, she began to participate in open stages and open-mic in various places and bars in Nantes. She performs in several places in the metropolis with different formations that she sets up such as the reggae and soul triol IFMC or the duo with Coco Shelra. Based in Nantes for 10 years, she composes her texts in English, Japanese and French. Complete artist, she released her first self-produced EP “MICROCOSM” and performed her titles on stage in an acoustic duo with Damien, as well as alongside Adam l’ancien.

Rêl Soli participant in the springboard @lesinsonantes
She is also the co-founder of MAGMATIKA,
a young and fresh Nantes association created two years ago which aims to be inclusive by offering Magmatfusion every year; a festival that brings together crowds to discover various urban arts such as BMX, contemporary dance, beat boxing and many other disciplines in a relaxed and family atmosphere. This event brings together various professionals and artists who share their passion in order to discover them and initiate them into their vocation. We had the chance to interview the founders of the association and the video as well as the articles will / or are available on our website
This very committed young entrepreneur did not hesitate for a single second to cross France this summer 2021 to join us here, in Rende (And I weigh my words, because it is by hitchhiking and by bus that she came). Always eager for adventure and meetings, that says a lot about the radiant personality of this young woman.
The text of the song is our manifesto. It’s available on our site, but for those who haven’t seen it yet, beware of spoilers ! It was carried out thanks to a survey. Just one question : “What does social inclusion mean to you, in three words?” “. With all the responses collected (More than 700 people participated, all social, professional and cultural backgrounds), we put together this manifesto.
Studio recording
Weproposedourproject toLa voce Produzione, who immediately agreed to assist us in carrying it out. This association is a real musical academy. Mainly a school for higher vocal development it also has a recording studio and is also an artist producer. I highly recommend that you take a look at their social media, a lot of up and coming artists are there. It was Aldo Campanaro, technician at the voce produzione, who recorded the composition. In addition, he recently participated with his group Vite Parallele at the Festival di Castrocaro 2021 rebroadcast on Rai 2.

Production of the clip
This music video is a story, a short film filled with messages and symbols of inclusion. It was made in the municipality of Cosenza, through different sets. And we can decipher it for you right away!
Part one: Lost in this world.
Rêl-soli is alone. She walks aimlessly, looking for something, but what? She walks discovering the historic center of Cosenza, a place steeped in history. She wanders, she thinks of the world she imagines and surrenders to her dreams.

Part two: The dream.
She dreams, and then sees herself in a very natural environment. Always alone, she walks on the shores of a lake, in the middle of a huge forest that inspires her. A lot of things come to mind then. That’s when she decides to move on. She walks towards the exit of the forest and comes out of her dreams, and opens her eyes again.
Part Three: The Quest.
Opening her eyes, she finds herself in a modern downtown, populated by strangers all walking in different directions, but she is still lost. She therefore decides to ask for directions to a person sitting calmly in the middle of this crowd. This person shows him his way by giving him a piece of paper, which contains a message. This message represents a connection between two individuals, a bond that has been created. She will decide to share this message in her own way, through music. She goes to a recording studio and records her message.

Fourth part: the realization.
She will then retrace these steps. She contemplates the historic center from the other side, like a retrospective (NDL the historic center at that time is a metaphor for her past; of loneliness when she was walking alone). She will cross this bridge, to return there, the sun then sets and will give way to a new day, where she will meet many people, and share her message. His dream can come true.

The final word !
A real adventure that would never have seen the light of day without all these people who supported us in the realization of this project. Andiamo insieme!
The full version of the video clip is available on our page Manifesto !
Rêl Soli : https://www.instagram.com/rel.soli/?hl=fr
Magmatika : https://www.reze.fr/fiche-annuaire/association-magmatika/
Adam l’ancien : https://adamlancien.com/
IFMC : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ge2tc_qIrXU/
La Voce Produzione : https://www.facebook.com/LaVoceProduzione/
Vite parallele : https://www.instagram.com/vite__parallele/?hl=fr
Aldo Campanaro : https://www.instagram.com/aldoamnesia/?hl=fr